The day of Sully's due date one of Chris's student employees got us comp tickets to his dance show. We went and I was worrying the entire time that my water would break because Sully was kicking my cervix like crazy. Also, the chairs were possibly the most uncomfortable things upon which I have ever sat. We went home and went to bed around 12, which is pretty early for us. At 2 I got up and went to the restroom and noticed I felt "off." I went back to bed and woke up about 4 feeling horrible. I thought I had to go to the bathroom but when I went I couldn't get anything and it just kept hurting. I waited for a bit and woke up Christopher. I told him that this felt very different and I wanted to go to the hospital. He reminded me that we should time them, especially since last time I made him promise not to let me go back until I was screaming (didn't want another false alarm).
At this point I insisted that we go and I called L&D. I had a contraction on the phone and she said she thought we head in. Chris got our stuff together and we drove in the snow. When we got there I was checked; I was effaced and 3cm. I was crushed, they don't admit until 4cm, and the nurse had mentioned that they were very busy. Luckily, she could see that I was in real pain and she and the doctor agreed that I would probably progress well. Hooray! I was in! I also lucked out on rooms because all the singles were full but they had a double set up as a single so my room was HUGE!
They asked about pain management and I said that I knew I wanted an epidural. My nurse assumed that I meant right that second, even though I really meant as soon as it wouldn't hinder my progress. So, she started me on fluids and alerted the anesteseologist. In the meantime, she gave me a shot of nubane to help manage my pain. This really took the edge off. My doctor wanted to break my water to help speed up labor a bit, and I thought this was a good idea. Luckily, my angel nurse insisted that we get my epi in before we broke my water in case it really increased my contractions. After the epi and water was broken, I took a nap. The next time I was checked, my progression had really slowed down. My doctor ordered pitocin.
Again, Pam, my angel nurse was a huge advocate for me, she didn't want the pitocin so she started it on a crazy slow drip and the little bit helped. I was progressing slowly, but progressing. Again, I took a nap. This entire time, (about 8 hours) Chris was being so wonderful and helpful. Always asking if he can get me anything, if its ok if he reads or plays a game. His parents got to the hospital early that morning but pretty much stayed in the waiting room. His brother-in-law and sister arrived with their boys around 1 and mostly stayed in there as well.
Around 5 I was checked and I was at 9.5cm with an anterior lip. My doctor decided that he wanted me to try pushing while he manipulated it to see if we could push around it. It worked and we were in business! Chris's sister came in so she could be present for the birth.
At 6, we started pushing. My epidural was starting to wear off, I could manipulate my legs much more and I was feeling pain with each contraction. I pushed and pushed and Sully wouldn't budge past my pelvic bone. At 7, my angel nurse's shift was ending. She stayed until 7:15, hoping to meet Sully but he just wouldn't come. I continued pushing until 8, each time the pain increased and I never seemed to make any progress. At one point, in the middle of a push, the doctor mentioned he could see Sully's head. Of course, I immediately stopped pushing and cried.With each push, my OB was pressing really hard inside, trying to get Sully some room to slide past and to show me where to push. It hurt so badly and I just wanted to kick him each time! I don't think I cried out in pain much, mostly I just whimpered. I just wanted to meet my boy and I was so tired. The doctor saw how tired I was and asked if I wanted to try pushing and the vacuum. He reminded me that once we got past the pelvic bone I still had to push him out, I didn't know how much energy I had left so I agreed. I was so tired, and I knew I was nearing my end point.
He got out the vacuum and after a round or two of pushing Sully was crowning. We had agreed with the doctor beforehand that Chris would help catch Sully so his sister would hold my leg. Waiting for Chris to put on the gloves, I wanted to scream at him to hurry. At some point, I am not sure when (thank god) I tore my perineum (even though my OB was massaging like a crazy man). For this, I am actually thankful. The tear made it so that Chris delivered Sully almost unassisted while the OB held my perineum together.
I think this is the most amazing part of my delivery. When I was screaming, at the end of my rope, while the doctor prevented my tear from worsening, my husband pulled my son free. I think Chris pulling our son free is now this wonderful bond we will always share. He stimulated Sully and brought him up to meet me. That first moment as a family was possibly the most beautiful of my life. At first, Sully's color wasn't good, but they delayed clamping or cutting the cord (I didn't even have to ask!) and he pinked right up, before his first apgars. Honestly, I was afraid in the past that Sully would be one of those funny looking newborns. Truly, he was beautiful.
After an hour, the nurse came to weigh and wash him. He was 8lbs2oz and 20 inches long.
In the week since he has been born, we have learned a lot of things about each other. He loves sleeping on people and hates sleeping alone. He has his days and nights SERIOUSLY mixed up, but we think we will keep him anyhow. He is an awesome breastfeeder and the light of my life.DH and I have been enjoying our time off as a family. Below is our first picture as a family (my face is HUGELY swollen from the fluids) and a collage of his week 1 pictures that WOULD be in my signature if the Bump would let me change it!