How far along? 37 weeks
Total weight gain/loss: over 40 lbs, honestly I don't even want to check
Maternity clothes? oh yeah
Stretch marks? butt and thighs, no belly
Sleep: much better these days
Best moment this week: My baby shower/Chris's birthday dinner
Movement: Yep, hes super active
Food cravings: Beer/wine sadly this will have to wait for a bit
Gender: Handsome little guy
Labor Signs: Ugh don't even talk to me about this. Yes contractions but they aren't going anywhere
Belly Button in or out? Innie :)
What I miss: My old body, and having a skinny face
What I am looking forward to: Meeting my son.
Weekly Wisdom: You really REALLY need to be in pain before you make the trip to L&D
Milestones: First false alarm!
Weekly Picture: